Australian High Commission
Papua New Guinea

150712 Leadership 4 Life 2015 Pacific Games-AHC opening remarks-FINAL

Leadership 4 Life event
2015 Pacific Games

Opening Remarks by
Minister-Counsellor Governance
Rodney Hilton
Sunday 12 July 2015


Pacific Games Committee Representatives
Director Angori Wewerang and PNGIPA
Respected speakers sharing your leadership journeys today
Elite athletes representing your countries
Honoured guests, ladies and gentlemen.

It is a pleasure to address elite athletes from 24 countries in our Pacific region at today’s event. I commend the PNG Institute of Public Administration and the PNG Games Committee for hosting this very unique day.

Australia is participating in the 2015 Pacific Games for the first time, an indication of the friendship between Australia and our Pacific neighbours. Geographic closeness, historical ties and networks between people underpin the strong and close relationship between Australia and the Pacific.

Australia is committed to the economic development of the Pacific because stability, security and prosperity will lead to a brighter future for the next Pacific generation.

Australia is also dedicated to strengthening Pacific links through sports diplomacy. Sport plays a unique role in shaping and showcasing the identity, values and culture of our nations. The values of sport – competition, team work and fair play – help bring the people of the Pacific together and build trust in the region.

Values learnt on the sports field are also the generic behaviours of good business leaders and public servants. Leadership is about initiative, action, courage and teamwork. Good leaders inspire and support those around them so they can achieve common goals. Leaders are accountable and demand accountability in others.

Good leaders also demonstrate ethical behaviour. They resist temptation and are committed to carrying out their professional duties with legal and moral integrity. They uphold society’s values and speak out when others fail to do so.

These ethics and values are equally important in company board rooms as in elite competition. Australia is proud to support the GoPNG-led Pacific Leadership and Governance Precinct initiative, which will strengthen values-based leadership.

The Precinct is a path breaking initiative to support PNG’s vision of a more professional and ethical public service. The Precinct is set to play a significant role in developing future leaders of PNG and in time – it will become a truly regional initiative providing leadership training for people from across the Pacific region.

I wish to commend the Pacific Leadership and Governance Precinct for taking a new approach to leadership development in the Pacific region.

I also wish all athletes here today the very best for your competition at the 2015 Pacific Games, and encourage you to continue to lead both on and off the field.